Source: NARA via
之前我在「攻擊東港 」已經貼過美國海軍第38特遣艦隊在1944年10月12日攻擊東港水上飛機場的照片。在過去幾天,我又發現了一些當天拍攝與次日回來偵察攻擊成果的照片,其中還包括一些解析度非常好的。下面這張雖不是高解析度的,角度卻非常特別:
In the previous article “Battle of Formosa: Toko”, we have seen some strike photos taken during the October 12, 1944, attack by Task Force 38. During the last few days, I found more strike and post-strike photos. The first one was probably taken shortly after the attack was started:
Source: USN photo
以下兩張高解析度的連續照片是胡蜂號航艦(USS Wasp, CV-18)的飛機拍攝的,時間應該在上面照片之後,因為黑煙已經很濃密:
The next two high-resolution continuous photos were taken by the aircraft from the carrier USS Wasp CV-18. Black smoke from previous explosions clouded the sky.
Source:UC Berkeley via Academia Sinica 美國加州大學柏克萊分校典藏1944~1945年臺灣舊航照資料
The resolution is so high that I am almost certain that the smaller seaplane in the above two photos is an Aichi E13A “Jake”:
Source:UC Berkeley via Academia Sinica 美國加州大學柏克萊分校典藏1944~1945年臺灣舊航照資料
The next photo shows that something was burning on the peninsula across the lagoon from the seaplane base (marked “7” in the top map). But it is hard to tell what the victims were.
Source: NARA via
The high-resolution photo reveals that seaplanes anchored by the peninsula had been attacked:
Source:UC Berkeley via Academia Sinica 美國加州大學柏克萊分校典藏1944~1945年臺灣舊航照資料
接下來的照片是大黃蜂號航艦(USS Hornet, CV-12)的飛機在第二天(10月13日)回到東港偵察時所拍攝的。可以看到1號棚廠的屋頂被破壞得相當嚴重,棚廠前的大坪上還有一架大型水上飛機:
The following photos were taken by aircraft from USS Hornet (CV-12) on October 13 for damage evaluation. A huge hole can be seen on the roof of No.1 hangar. There was also a large seaplane on the apron in front of the hangar.
Source:UC Berkeley via Academia Sinica 美國加州大學柏克萊分校典藏1944~1945年臺灣舊航照資料
After enlarging the photo, we can be almost certain that the large seaplane was a Kawanishi H6K “Mavis”. In front of it, the right wing (pointed by the arrow) and tail of possibly another H6K can also be seen:
Source:UC Berkeley via Academia Sinica 美國加州大學柏克萊分校典藏1944~1945年臺灣舊航照資料
During the Oct. 12 attack on the Sea Plane Base, the USN has reported that the Group Commander from USS Hornet (CV-12) was shot down over the lagoon by anti-aircraft fire. Has your research turned up any information on the presence or location of any downed American aircraft that day?
I haven’t done any location-specific research on downed American crew during the Battle of Formosa. However, I came across a Japanese document on American POWs captured during the Battle, which I will blog about soon.