Source: Third Phase P.I. Report, April 1944. AFHRA via Academia Sinica 美國空軍歷史研究部(AFHRA)徵集成果
The top reconnaissance of Matsuyama Airdrome (the predecessor of current Sungshan Airport) was taken in March 1944. On September 9 of the same year, the US military photoed the airdrome again (see the image below). Note that several square revetments had been constructed north of the airdrome. In addition, to the south of the airdrome, a new airstrip was being built.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
1944年10月12日,從美國海軍第38特遣艦隊碉堡山號航艦(USS Bunker Hill, CV-17)起飛的飛機攻擊了這座機場,下面這張照片就是在最上圖的棚廠與維修區(19 Hangar and repair area)上空向東拍攝的,照片中可見兩架雙引擎飛機(黃色箭頭)和兩架單引擎飛機(橘色箭頭)
On October 12, 1944, aircraft from USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) of US Navy Task Force 38 struck this airdrome. The next strike photo was taken over the hangar and repair area (No. 19 in top photo), facing east. Two twin-engine aircraft (yellow arrows) and two single-engine aircraft (orange arrows) are visible.
Source: NARA via
The following photo was taken slightly to the west of the above one. It was out of focus and therefore it is very difficult to see the aircraft. Note the camouflage patterns of the runway.
Source: NARA via
The next photo shows the explosions in the hangar and repair area.
Source: NARA via
The photo below was taken above the western end of the newly constructed airstrip. An L-shaped landmark is barely visible in the background. That was the reservoir in Sungshan Tobacco Factory.
Source: NARA via
For your convenience, a 1945 reconnaissance photo of Sungshan Tobacco Factory was shown below. The reservoir can be seen in the upper right portion, corresponding to the southeast corner of the factory.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
Comparing to the following 1966 CORONA satellite image, you would see that the hangar and repair area in 1944 is where the current terminal building is located.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「臺灣CORONA衛星影像」