在眾多的日據時代機場中,有兩座一直是我心中的謎,因為始終找不到它們的空照圖,也就無法確定它們的地點– –直到昨天。其中一座就是大肚山飛行場。I had been trying hard to locate Dadu Mountain Airdrome but could not find it, until yesterday. With the help of the Taiwan Area Airdrome Plans (Taiwan Garrison Command Headquarters, 1945), which I obtained from National Archives Administration last Friday, the mystery is finally solved.
下面是「台灣區各機場要圖」裡的大肚山飛行場平面圖,台灣以新庄子、南寮為名的地方不只一處,但井子頭只在大肚鄉有,尋覓已久的大肚山飛行場就這樣找到了。The following chart from the Taiwan Area Airdrome Plans reveals the location and configuration of Dadu Mountain Airdrome.
確定了大肚山飛行場的位置後,我再回頭去找台中地區的空照圖,不過就只找到以下這張飛行場北端的斜照照片。After locating the airdrome, I dug into the photo archive and found the following oblique photo of the north end of the airfield. This is only photo of Dadu Mountain Airdrome I could find.
拿到飛行場要圖之前,曾經想利用1966年CORONA衛星照片找出飛行場遺留的紋理。如今看看同位置的衛星照片,就可以理解當初為什麼一直找不到,因為地面幾乎看不到任何飛行場的紋理。Before I got hold of the Taiwan Area Airdrome Plans, I had tried the 1966 CORONA satellite images, hoping to find anything indicative of the airfield. The following image is the satellite photo of the aidrome area. Absolute nothing can tell that there once was an airfield at this location.
距離跑道南端大約2.5公里處,有一座吊鐘型碉堡,這應該是大肚山飛行場僅存的遺跡。About 2.5 km south of the runway, there is a pillbox. This is probably the only thing that was left.
Great work. Always wondered where that airport was to the west of Taichung. Now it is solved. Now only Houli and Taichung south need to be located and all the airports around Taichung are found. Thanks.
Have a great day.
It is incredible that something as substantial as an airfield could vanish so rapidly….
I’m in Pingtung and wanting to find some old airfields there tomorrow. I plan to visit the one in Donggang. Do you know where the old seaplane base was? In Yuguang? or where?
Please check your mail box. Thanks.
之前我也曾以為望高寮那條「跑道」是大肚山飛行場的遺跡。不過用Google Earth一量,長度還不到200公尺,對O-1來說也太危險了。我一個朋友告訴我,那條跑道是玩遙控飛機的人建的。
看到網友gene提到Taichung south,有此機場嗎?會是台中大里的竹子坑營區?從corna 1966衛星圖看來有點遺跡.
I was just speaking with a relative about it the other night. He mentioned seeing Japanese airplanes around the airfield shot down on a regular basis. The American bombers and their escorts would simply wait at high altitude for the intercepters to take off, and then the escort fighters would dive in for the kill.
That is also where the kamikaze would train.
Thank you very much for the additional info. I guess very few people remember there used to be an airfield at this location.
Wei Ben –
I was talking to a descendent of the famous Lin Family of Wufong and he took me to a location Lat 24.040412 Lon 120.724357
where the Japanese were considering building a airdrome but it was never started. Also I talked to a person in Taian and he stated he was told by his father that there was a Japanese airport in Houli. It was situated to the north of the present day army horse stable Lat 24.300301 Lon 120.733460 where people are buried in a temple cemetery. I look over the area to the north but with no results.
Good luck.
Many thanks for your info. Perhaps the Japanese did not built an airfield at the location in Wufong because that place was not wide enough. Japanese airfields normally measured 1500m in length at least. If an airfield were to be built there, a lot of dirt would have to be moved. But this is my guess.
As for the location in Houli, I checked the aerial photos but could not find signs of airdromes. We can discuss it in a future post.
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