1945年6月13日上午,兩架美國陸軍航空隊第312轟炸大隊的B-32重型轟炸機從菲律賓的Floridablanca機場起飛,前往台灣轟炸南部的恆春飛行場,這兩架飛機各掛載了12枚1000磅炸彈。上圖裡美軍序號42-108532的這架B-32(綽號Hobo Queen II)於午前先飛抵目標區投下了所有炸彈,其中九枚炸中了恆春飛行場的跑道前緣,其他三枚落在跑道的西邊(恆春飛行場的照片可參考下面這張1945年4月24日的空照圖)。另一架序號42-108528的B-32於15分鐘後投彈,不過卻有三枚卡在彈架上,其餘九枚炸到了南半邊的跑道。
On the morning of June 13, 1945, two B-32 Dominator heavy bombers of the 312th Bombardment Group, each carrying twelve 1000-lb bombs, took off from Floridablanca Airfield, Philippines, for a mission against Koshun (currently Hengchun, Pingtung) Airdrome on Formosa. The aircraft in the photo above, serialed 42-108532, was one of the two bombers on this mission. It dropped all bombs on the target, with nine hitting the leading edge of the runway and the other three on the west side of the runway (see below for a reconnaissance photo of Koshun Airdrome). The second aircraft, 42-108528, began its bombing run 15 minutes later but only dropped nine bombs on the target with the remaining three stuck on the bomb racks.
中央研究院海外歷史圖資與典藏 (Via Academia Sinica)
This mission marked the first strike mission against Formosa by this type of new bomber. It was also the second official mission ever carried out by the B-32. (It would be the third mission if the unofficial mission on May 29 was taken into account.) Three days later, the B-32 returned to Formosa again, bombing Taito.
第312轟炸大隊的第386中隊是在1945年5月下旬接收了三架新出廠的B-32,成為美軍第一個配備這種重型轟炸機的作戰單位。下圖是這三架飛機在Floridablanca機場的照片,離鏡頭最近的序號是42-108529(綽號The Lady is Fresh,它參與了6月15日的轟炸台東任務),第二架就是42-108532,第三架的序號雖然在照片中看不到,但應該就是42-108528。
The 386th Bombardment Squadron of the 312th Bombardment Group received three B-32 in the second half of May 1945, thus becoming the first USAAF unit to fly this type of heavy bomber operationally. The following photo shows all three aircraft on Floridablanca Airfield. The aircraft in the foreground is 42-108529 and the one in the middle is 42-108532. Although the serial number of the third aircraft is blocked, it must be 42-108528.