Source: via Academia Sinica 中央研究院《地圖俱樂部》
今年初,中央研究院的熱心人士在我的《旗山飛行場平面圖》留言,提供俗稱為手巾寮飛行場的戰後(1948年)空照圖連結。我把空照圖局部擷取如上,但只能隱約看出輪廓,大致與樹林口飛行場類似。繪製在Google Maps的平面圖如下:
Sources in Academia Sinica sent me the link to a post-war (1948) reconnaissance photo of the so-called Shoujinliao (Handkerchief Bungalow) Airdrome in Kizan (Qishan). The outline of the airdrome is barely visible in the photo but is similar to that of Shulinkou in northern Formosa. Check out the drawing on Google Maps:
在較大的地圖上查看里港(北)飛行場 Riko (North) Airdrome
Liu (1997) listed two airdromes in the Kizan area, Kizan North and Kizan South. I have written about the North airdrome. Since Shoujinliao is located in Kizan, the airdrome in the above photo should be named Kizan South in Liu’s naming convention. However, the Japanese war plan “Operation Victory One” listed only one airdrome in Qizan as well as two in Riko (Ligang), Riko North and South. (See my post on Takuran Airdrome.) I think Shoujinliao Airdrome and Riko North are mostly likely the same one, given the close proximity of Shoujinliao to Riko.