On June 21, 1935 (Showa 10), Nippon Aluminum Company was founded as a joint venture by several Japanese industrial companies. The new company acquired land in Takao from the Imperial Navy to build the production facilities, whose initial production was planned in the autumn of 1936.
Source: 1935/5/7(昭和10年)国民新聞 【軽銀界の覇を競う二大社が対峙】
Source: 1935/6/22(昭和10年)台湾日日新報【日本アルミニューム会社創立手続完了】
以下這張昭和12年(1937年)發行的《高雄市街計劃圖》(僅顯示局部)繪出了日本鋁株式會社在高雄設置工廠的確實地點:在標有407、408、423、425的黃色與黑色區塊上,有「銀工場」(「輕」這個字應該是疊印在黑色區塊上)和「輕銀宿舍」的字樣,而這塊區域就是Part 2引用昭和9年《新飛行場埋立計劃圖》的現飛行場所在地。換句話說,剪報上提到日本鋁株式會社取得的海軍用地就是苓雅寮飛行場,昭和9年時很可能是因為要把現飛行場移作工業用途,配合高雄港的發展,才規劃興建代用飛行場和新飛行場。
The Takao City Street Plan published in 1937, which is partially shown below, revealed the location of Nippon Aluminum’s Takao plant. It was located in the yellow and black area numbered 407, 408, 423, and 425. (Click on the map to enlarge it.) This area was exactly the same as that of the “current airdrome” on the 1934 government file Landfill Plan for the New Airdrome, implying that the land acquired from the Navy was exactly Reigaryo Airdrome.
The 1944 American aerial reconnaissance photo, overlaid with the 1934 Landfill Plan for the New Airdrome, is reproduced below (click to enlarge), in which the areas for the current, substitute, and new airdromes were indicated in blue, green, and orange, respectively. It was very likely that construction of the substitute airdrome had never been started because the canal cutting through this area had already shown up in the 1937 Takao City Street Plan. However, the canal was not built as planned either. In the 1937 plan, the canal would surround the industrial area on which Nippon Aluminum factory was built, making the area literally an island; but the 1944 photo revealed that the canal actually constructed looked like a cross.
The USAAF first photoed Nippon Aluminum’s Takao plant in November 1943. Due to its strategic value, the plant was listed as a major target:
Source: Formosa Interim Report, February 1944, via Academia Sinica
After WWII, Nippon Aluminum Company was transferred to the Republic of China and transformed into Taiwan Aluminum Company. In mid 1980s, Taiwan Aluminum also became history. The former factory site now seen on Google Maps appear to be largely vacant, only part of it designated as Starlight Waterfront Park. Kaohsiung City government may want to erect a memorial here telling people that this is where Kaohsiung’s first airfield used to be.
全文完。 This concludes the series on Reigaryo Airdrome.