Source: Formosa Interim Report, February 1944. AFHRA via Academia Sinica 美國空軍歷史研究部(AFHRA)徵集成果
On October 12, 1944, US Navy Task Force 38 launched a comprehensive attack against Formosa. For three days, hundreds of sorties were flown from US Navy carriers in West Pacific to strike targets all over Formosa. Toko (currently Donggang, Pingtung) was an important seaplane base for the Japanese military at the time and was designated Target 162 by the intelligence analysis Taiwan Interim Report, February 1944 (see above photo). It was also among the targets that were struck during the October 1944 mission.
The reconnaissance photo below, taken in March 1944, covered the Toko lagoon (now called Dapeng Bay), as well as the seaplane base. Two large rectangular hangars by the ramp were clearly visible. For identification purposes, I will refer to the hangar on the left as No. 1 and the one on the right as No. 2.
Source:NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
In the following two continuous photos, No. 1 hangar had been hit during the attack on October 12, as well as a multi-engine aircraft in front of No. 2 hangar. Notice the US Navy fighter indicated by the arrows.
Source: NARA via
Source: NARA via
The next photo shows the burning aircraft in front of No. 2 hangar. A small seaplane can be seen in the lagoon as indicated by the arrow in the upper-right corner.
Source: NARA via
The following photo shows that a large seaplane was anchored in the water in front of No. 1 hangar. It probably had been hit as hinted by the smoke.
Source: NARA via
In the next photo, more smoke billowed from the anchored aircraft in the previous photo. It also reveals that another multi-engine aircraft was parked on apron before No.1 hangar. The smaller seaplane previously mentioned can also be seen.
Source: NARA via
The next photo was taken by a B-29 bomber in January 1945. The damage done to Toko Seaplane Base by Task Force 38 was clearly visible. The saw-tooth roof of No. 1 hangar was badly damaged. Burn marks were all over the service apron in front of the hangars.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」