On October 16, the XX Bomber Command launched Mission Number 11. The 444th, 462nd, and 468th BG were responsible for this mission. In addition to bombing Heito (now Pingtung) Airdrome, some 31 B-29 struck Okayama again, including the three aircraft in the next three photos:
42-6225 “Ding How”, 444th BG. Source:NARA via Fold3.com
42-6209 “Old Man Mose”, 462nd BG. Source:NARA via Fold3.com
42-6265 “Raidin Maiden”, 468th BG. Source:NARA via Fold3.com
The following photo was taken by B-29 42-6267 of the 444th BG during the mission:
Source:NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
The damage inflicted by these bombings was extensive, as can be seen in the following post-strike photo:
Source:NARA via Fold3.com