For several years, I have been trying pinpoint the location of former Shu Lin Kou Air Station, a military installation responsible for gathering sensitive intelligence from the 1950s into 1970s. But the…
Tag: Google
CORONA Satellite Images of Taiwan SAM Sites (CORONA眼中的台灣防空飛彈陣地) Part 3
Linkou (林口) HAWK site (+25° 6′ 15.75″, +121° 17′ 52.99″) It appeared that construction of this site had begun in 1966: By the time this 1969 image was taken, it’s ready for…
CORONA Satellite Images of Taiwan SAM Sites (CORONA眼中的台灣防空飛彈陣地) Part 2
Linkou (林口) Nike-Hercules/HAWK site (+25° 3′ 25.30″, +121° 20′ 34.67″) Former B Battery of the 2nd Missile Battalion, 71st Artillery, U.S. Army. When this image was taken in 1966, the 2nd Missile…
Target: CCK AFB (More Pictures)
Image of point C dated Oct 22, 2005. A small bomb scored a hit. Image of point C dated Mar 18, 2007. Nothing has changed since last picture was taken. Image of…
Target: CCK AFB
檢視較大的地圖 It is no secret that Chinese built a replica of Taiwan’s Ching Chuan Kang AFB to the southeast of Dingxin AB in central China. Dingxin AB, now commonly used for flight…
檢視較大的地圖 無意中發現Google把大直附近「某軍事重地」當成露點畫面打上馬賽克,這不是直接告訴人這裡必有玄機嗎?對這裡真正有特殊興趣的人應該不會只有Google可用吧! 仰德大道上也有一塊馬賽克: 檢視較大的地圖 我很少到這附近,所以這究竟是什麼地方我一點也不清楚。只是馬賽克一打,我反而會想知道這是什麼聖地。其實Google還是有提供功能讓人看沒有處理過的畫面,只是我看了之後,也沒看到什麼特別的養眼畫面。 奇怪的是,南港這一塊地反而沒有被歸類為限制級畫面,不知這標準是怎麼訂的? 檢視較大的地圖
Communist China, Now and Then
Here are selected U-2 imagery from 1964, when Johnny Wang (王錫爵) and Jack Chang (張立義), among others, were active U-2 pilots. I also provide current Google Earth shots of the coverted targets….
北韓火箭發射基地( North Korea Missile/Rocket Launch Pad)
檢視較大的地圖 今天閒來無事,就在Google Earth上找這幾天最ㄏㄤ的(不是瑤瑤,也不是舒舒啦)北韓火箭發射基地,位置在北韓東北部的舞水端里。點此下載Google Earth的kmz檔。如果你沒用Google Earth,用滑鼠把上圖往右移動,可以看到發射場西邊有一棟長形建築物,就是飛彈組裝檢測工廠。兩者之間有一條往北的道路,一直往上就可以看到擔任發射控制中心的小建築物位於路的盡頭。不過Google的衛星照片不是最新的,所以跟現在的樣子會不太一樣。 Click here to download the Google Earth kmz file to view the North Korea Missile Launch Pad.
In God We Trust. All Others We Monitor.
Here are selected U-2 imagery of Chinese military bases. Google Earth users may want to download the associated kmz file to see what these bases look like now. Please save the file…
Spike Chuang’s Close Encounter with SAMs
A personal message I received the other day prompted me to look into the U-2 missions flown by Spike Jen-Liang Chuang (莊人亮). Although it is widely known that he had been shot…