1945年4月4日上午,美國陸軍航空隊第345轟炸大隊第498轟炸中隊的6架B-25轟炸機,和同大隊第500轟炸中隊的6架同型機,從呂宋島的聖瑪西利諾(San Marcelino)起飛,目標是澎湖群島的馬公港。他們在下午兩點半過後抵達目標區,由第498中隊的飛機執行第一波攻擊,第500中隊殿後。兩個中隊的飛機先後炸中了停泊在東碼頭東側的一艘2000噸運油艦(美軍稱為Sugar Able Sugar),引發的大火(見上圖,運油艦完全被火吞噬,所以看不見)波及了西側的一艘2500噸貨船(上圖中所見的大型船隻,美軍稱為Sugar Baker Sugar),港內的其他較小型船隻(Sugar Dog)也遭到攻擊。
On April 4, 1945, six B-25 of the 498 Bombardment Squadron, 345th Bombardment Group, and six B-25 of the 500th Bombardment Squadron took off from San Marcelino, Luzon. Their target was Mako Harbor in the Pescadores Islands. These bombers reached the target area shortly after 1430 and began the bombing run with the 498th Squadron leading the 500th Squadron. Their bombs scored a direct hit on the 2000-ton tanker (codenamed Sugar Able Sugar) tied to the east pier, resulting in a large explosion followed by fire (see the top photo; the tanker is completely engulfed in flames and thus cannot be seen). The fire spread across the jetty and enveloped a 2500-ton freighter (codenamed Sugar Baker Sugar) tied to the opposite side (the large ship partially obscured by the black smoke in the top photo). Other Sugar Dogs in the harbor were also bombed or strafed.
在下面這張照片裡,前述的2500噸貨船完全被黑煙籠罩(照片最右側),遠方的濃煙應該是第500中隊投下的炸彈所造成,照片最左邊的爆炸則可能是一艘Sugar Dog被炸中。
On the right-hand of the photo below, the aforementioned freighter is completely obscured by smoke. The explosions in the background were likely the work of the 500th Squadron. The explosion on the left-hand side probably damaged a Sugar Dog.
The anti-aircraft fire by the Japanese on the ground was intense and accurately, holing one B-25 of the 498th and four of the 500th. Airplane 023 of the 500th Squadron was fatally hit and plunged into the harbor. The crew is as follows:
下圖是第498中隊戰報中的攻擊示意圖,SAS、SBS、SD分別是Sugar Able Sugar、Sugar Baker Sugar、Sugar Dog的縮寫:
The following is a sketch made by the 498th Squadron. SAS, SBS, and SD stand for Sugar Able Sugar, Sugar Baker Sugar, and Sugar Dog, respectively.
The 500 the Squadron’s sketch:
The next reconnaissance photo was taken in December 1943:
Although Mako Harbor has changed quite a bit, the east pier where the fiery action took place remains:
美軍戰報所稱2500噸級貨船是1565噸的特設救難船寶嶺丸(Horei Maru). 原船照片請參見: