1945年1月3日上午0930(美軍時區I,相當於日本時間),9架美國海軍第44魚雷機中隊的TBM-1C從蘭利號航艦(USS Langley, CVL-27)起飛,準備執行攻擊台灣中部的日軍航空設施。十分鐘後,12架第44戰鬥機中隊的F6F-5也從蘭利號起飛,除了為魚雷機護航,也負責照項任務。3架TBM因為機械故障或無法與隊友成功會合而提前返航,其餘6架魚雷機與護航的戰鬥機集結後在上午1115飛抵目標區。他們首先飛往虎尾飛行場,下降到7,000呎後在飛行場北方盤旋觀察,但是戰鬥機的領隊認為這裡沒有任何值得攻擊的目標,於是決定往北飛到北斗飛行場(美軍稱為溪洲飛行場,確實位置是位於目前彰化縣的竹塘鄉和埤頭鄉境內)。
At 0930I on January 3, 1945, nine TBM-1C of VT-44 took off from the USS Langley (CVL-27) for a strike against aircraft and aircraft installations in central Formosa. Ten minutes later, 12 F6F-5 of VF-44 also took off from the USS Langley to escort the TBM and to carry out photo missions. Three of the TBM returned to Langley, one due to mechanical problems and the other two for failing to rendezvous. The remaining six TBM joined up with fighters of VF-44 and arrived over the target area at 1115I. They proceeded to Kobi Airdrome, where the fighters went down to 7,000 feet and circled just north of it. The commander of the fighter flight decided this offered no worthwhile targets and led the formation north to Hokuto (now Beidou) Airdrome, referred to as Keishu (now Xizhou) by the US military, where a coordinated attack was initiated by fighters and torpedo bombers.
The attack by the TBM was initiated at 10,000 feet from a point south of the field and proceeded northeast with rendezvous occurring north of the field (see the top diagram). No enemy aircraft were encountered in the air. Twelve to fifteen yellow training planes were observed on the ground in revetments, and two Nells were observed on the west side of the field. Since the attack was unopposed, a second run was made by two planes in an attempt to release hung bombs. Sixty 100-lb AN-M30 bombs were dropped, fifty-eight of which fell on the hangar and shop area and on the runway causing certain damage. Two bombs fell beyond the runway without causing any observed damage.
以下三張由第44魚雷機中隊提供的照片中,可以看到炸彈在東跑道南端與機堡一帶爆炸(即最上圖標註HANGAR AREA HIT BY VT-44的位置)。
The following three photos in sequence by VT-44 show bombs exploded in the revetments and the southern end of the eastern runway (“HANGAR AREA HIT BY VT-44” in the top diagram).
In the next two photos, the west runways and the taxiways connecting the eastern and the western can be seen.
Three F6F of VF-44 can be seen in the following photo.
One run was made by the fighters, using machine guns and 5-inch rockets. On twin-engine plane, identified by VT as a Nell was burned and one single-engine fighter was probably destroyed. (See the following diagram by VF.) The torpedo planes departed for base on completion of their attack, while the fighters set course in a sweep of the remaining fields in the area.
The following blurry picture is only vertical photo I could find of the Hokuto Aidrome. Note it was taken on a different date by the Army and not related to the above attack.
以下是我在Google Maps上繪製的北斗飛行場位置圖:
Hokuto Airdome on Google Maps: