上圖與下圖都攝於1945年9月5日,地點是台北松山飛行場。在照片拍攝的兩天前,為了解救被日軍囚禁在台灣的盟軍戰俘,美國海軍第七艦隊指揮官命令以航艦布洛克島號(USS Block Island, CVE-106)為首的一支特遣隊改道前往基隆,於4日晚間抵達台灣東北方外海。由於不清楚日軍是否仍有敵意,因此這支特遣隊在5日清晨派出飛機到台北與基隆上空偵察,並藉此對日軍作威力展示。後來美軍指揮官決定冒險派遣飛機前進松山飛行場降落,以便跟日軍建立起直接的溝通管道。日本時間(美軍的時區代碼是I)上午1010,圖中這架隸屬布洛克島號陸戰隊第233魚雷轟炸中隊(VMTB-233)的TBM-3,由Dick Johnson上尉駕駛,後座搭載擔任聯絡官的Peter Folger少校,順利降落在松山飛行場。這架魚雷轟炸機也因此成為日本戰敗投降之後,第一架在台灣降落的盟軍飛機。
The first and second photos were both taken at Matsuyama (now Sungshan) Airdrome on September 5, 1945. Two days earlier, the Commander of the USN 7th Fleet ordered the task group led by the aircraft carrier USS Block Island (CVE-106) to divert to Kiirun in order to evacuate the allied POWs held by the Japanese. In the early morning of September 5, the task group dispatched aircraft to conduct reconnaissance of Kiirun and Taihoku areas and also to make a show of force. Reconnaissance reported Matsuyama operational. It was then determined to run the risk of landing one aircraft at Matsuyama to establish liaison as quickly as possible. At 1010I (Time Zone I corresponds to Japan local time), the TBM-3 in both pictures, piloted by Captain Dick Johson, USMC, accompanied by the liaison officer Major Peter Folger, USMCR, landed safely on Matsuyama Airdrome. This TBM-3, assigned to VMBT-233, thus became the first allied aircraft that landed on Formosa after Japan had surrendered.
But these two photos were not taken immediately after the TBM had landed. A close look at the second photo would reveal THREE Americans (see the enlarged version below). Since this TBM only carried the crew of two on this mission, the photos must have been taken after more GIs had arrived at Matsuyama.
Folger少校在降落後就要求日軍帶他去探視戰俘,然後他把戰俘最迫切需要的醫藥與物資透過上空一架待命的F6F通知特遣隊準備。稍後,由布洛克島號及另一艘航艦桑提號(USS Santee, CVE-29)派出多架飛機,利用改裝過的副油箱裝載這些物資,運送到松山飛行場。前面的兩張照片應該就是這些飛機抵達後拍攝的。
Major Folger was driven to the POW campas to determine the most urgent needs of the POWs. This information was flown back to the Flagship by one of the F6F covering Captain Johnson’s landing. In short order, planes from USS Block Island and the other carrier, USS Santee (CVE-29), loaded with proper medicines and foods were landing on Matsuyama.
The next photo shows two TBM-3 of VT-26 on USS Santee prepared to depart from Matsuyama. In the background, four other TBM can be seen parked.