之前一直不能理解為什麼美國海軍漢考克號航艦(USS Hancock, CV-19)在1944年10月派機轟炸台灣的戰報與相關照片這麼罕見,直到今天才找到可能的答案。原來在1945年1月21日下午,一架結束轟炸台灣任務的TBM-3魚雷轟炸機返航順利降落後,機上的500磅炸彈突然爆炸,不僅炸死眾多官兵,引發的大火也燒毀了許多重要文件,其中包括了1944年10月轟炸台灣任務的文件與照片。
For some time I had been wondering why it was so difficult to find original documents and photographs taken by USS Hancock (CV-19) during its operations against Formosa in October 1944. Yesterday I finally found out why: On January 21, 1945, a TBM-3 torpedo bomber returning from a strike mission against Formosa made a normal landing on USS Hancock’s deck, taxied to the island structure, and here its 500-pound bombs exploded. Many shipmates were killed and many documents and photographs were destroyed by the blast and the ensuing fire.
The top photo is one of the only three photos that I could find taken by Hancock’s aircraft during October 1944. The caption only says “Hannah’s planes hit airfields at Karenko, Formosa, October 12, 1944.” Using the relative locations of the river, roads, buildings, and mountains to the airfield, I concluded the airfield in the photo is the former Karenko (now Hualien) South Airdrome. The photo was taken in the left-to-right direction corresponding to the following vertical reconnaissance photo, which was taken on June 15, 1945.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
Karenko South Airdrome on the modern satellite image:
Another photo taken by Hannah’s aircraft is shown below. It is not too difficult to determine that it covered the area near Karenko harbor.
In the upper-left corner of the above photo, smokes can be seen billow from two areas. They correspond to the two factory complexes in the following vertical aerial photo taken on July 16, 1945. Location A was Japan Aluminum Company’s Karenko factory and B was Toho Metallurgy Company’s Karenko plant. Both were key targets identified by the US intelligence analysts.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
If the attack took place today, the strike photo would look like this:
Appendix USS Hancock’s VB-7 War Diary wrote about the consequences of the accident on January 21, 1945:
1951/3/30吳欽烈(生管會)、陳垚(台肥廠長)、黃朝輝(高雄硫酸錏廠長)、張全元(高雄硫酸錏總工程師)與懷特公司狄卜賽先生來花蓮作初步考察,利用鋁廠舊設備及房屋改建肥料廠事,經2天視察咸認為值得改建。1952/6/19生管會核定成立花蓮氮肥廠籌備處。同年12月12日本廠設計工作係由紐約化學建設公司(Chemical Construction Corp.)與華昌公司(Wah Chang Corp.)合夥擔任,設計費23.5萬美元。1953/1/9工程初步報告第3次修改完成在紐約印妥由狄卜賽先生帶至華府,交安全總署審核。2/4美金貸款400萬在華府安全總署批准。1954/5/1高雄硫酸錏公司成立。1956/6/6花蓮氮肥公司成立。1958/3/17產品首次裝船運高雄。1960/4/16奉命與台灣肥料公司合併,規定台肥為存續公司,花蓮氮肥為消滅公司,定6/1為合併日期。
It might have been nice to add Location C as the Karenko Harbor HQ and the RR marshaling yards. I just happen to presently live where those little clouds of smoke are seen.
I just bought a bunch of photos from WWII that were taken from a bomber plane and have at least 4 and possible 6 more that were taken at this battle. You can see the mountain and the water and a series of 6 photos of a plane in the process of crashing that was taken from an airplane above.