莊人亮先生(右)與英籍U-2研究專家Chris Pocock先生攝於2004年2月
Spike Chuang (right) and British author Chris Pocock
Former U-2 pilot, Spike Chuang, of the ROCAF 35th Squadron (aka Black Cat Squadron) passed away on May 11. The press release prepared by the Ministry of Regional National Defense erroneously described that Spike completed his training on the U-2 at Laughlin AFB, TX. In fact, Spike was trained at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ. This is not the first time that MND made mistakes in their press releases about the Black Cat Squadron. Almost all the releases about this squadron issued in the past few years contained incorrect information.
MND’s press release mentioned Spike’s daring mission to the Lop Nor Nuclear Test site in China (codename: Tabasco) and his close encounter with Chinese Surface-to-Air missiles over Kunming. Actually Spike was one of the very few U-2 pilots who had been shot at by SAMs twice. In addition to Mission C126C over Kunming, Spike was fired at during Mission C176C, Aug 24, 1966, while he was over Canton. The following plot shows the evasion maneuver he took.
The next picture was taken by Spike on C176C. CIA photo interpreters found the SAM site that fired at Spike at the airfield. Smoke from the missile launch can be seen.
In addition, after the Black Cat Squadron converted to the high-resolution “H” camera, Spike was the first pilot to complete a mission in the “H” configuration:
下圖是C267C任務在福建一帶的任務涵蓋圖,由於H型相機的swath width較窄,所以照片涵蓋的區域是長條狀的:
The next figure shows the mission coverage of Mission C267C by the “H” camera in the Fujian area.
Rest in peace, Spike.