Source: Japan Center for Asian Historical Records
The map on the top, dated 1934, was titled Landfill Plan for the New Airdrome. (I colored three areas and added some text to make it easier to read. You can click on it to enlarge.) The three airdromes on the map (current, substitute, and new) were referred to in the accompanying document Summary on the Landfill Project for the New Airdrome, which is shown below. The project called for a new airdrome that was to be at least five times larger than the current Reigaryo Airdrome that had been completed in 1933. Before the new airdrome was finished, an interim substitute airdrome would be built to the south of the current one.
Source: Japan Center for Asian Historical Records
The next image is obtained by overlaying the first map on an aerial reconnaissance photo of Takao Harbor taken by the USAAF in 1944. For the ease of comparison, the original reconnaissance photo is shown at the bottom.
It is clear from the photo that, by 1944, numerous buildings had been erected on site of the so-called current airdrome. Also, a canal had been dug, cutting through the site of the substitute airdrome. Most important of all, the planned new airdrome had never been completed.
Source: NARA via
So, what had happened between 1934 and 1944? Was the substitute airdrome ever completed?
日治時期, 日本水上機來高雄, 多是停泊在蓬萊岸壁一帶, 缺乏適合場地進行水上機的停泊, 維修與整補等, 經常發生損害.
而蓬萊岸壁有許多貨運與廠房設施,加上港口船隻進出頻繁, 不利於機場興築與水上機起降。南方一帶,則港口開發未及,特別是草衙至尖尾間為一天然港灣,相當適合水上機場的設置。
但甫完工的苓雅寮水上機場在第二艦隊進入高雄港之際,因颱風造成的淤沙嚴重。雖有水上機試降,但飛行員亦感問題難以解決。於是軍務局與馬公要港部將修復計畫擱置, 僅考慮進行部分措施以應日後所需。
代用機場的位置離高雄港南方較遠, 雖避開了淤沙, 但卻不利於港口向南方的擴建. 相信這就是代用機場並未施工的原因.
而1938年後, 東港及左營水上機場的興築, 替代了苓雅寮原先的功能, 所以日後在美軍的調查中, 才會出現此機場甚少使用的評語. 因此, 筆者認同張老師的推論, 此代用飛行場並未興建. 否則, 以美軍的情報與攻勢, 代用飛行場應不至於在各式調查報告與戰報中缺席.