Source: Formosa Interim Report, February 1944, via Academia Sinica
美軍在1944年2月完成的《Formosa Interim Report》這份情報分析報告中附了以上高雄港區的照片,其中可見註明為Reigaryo Seaplane Station(苓雅寮水上飛機航站)的一塊區域。稍加比對後,就可以發現這塊區域是現在的前鎮漁港一帶,距離以前的苓雅寮還有一段距離,美軍冠上苓雅寮的地名其實並不妥,因此我把它稱為高雄水上飛機場。至於日軍的正式名稱為何,就有待各位先進考證。
The above photo is taken from the intelligence report Formosa Interim Report produced by the US military in February 1944. The area marked “Reigaryo Seaplane Station” was actually located near the current Qianzhen fishing port, where there was some distance away from Reigaryo (Lingya). Hence I am using the generic name Takao Seaplane Base. More research needs to be done to determine its official name adopted by the Japanese military.
I used the reconnaissance photos taken by aircraft from USS Wasp during the attack on Formosa on October 12, 1944, in the post “Battle of Formosa: Reigaryo Airdrome”. This high-resolution set of photos also covered Takao Seaplane Base, making it ideal for pinpointing the location of the base. In the following photo taken in the early morning of October 12, 1944, the base is outlined in red. Some of the roads are also identified by their corresponding current names.
Source:UC Berkeley via Academia Sinica 美國加州大學柏克萊分校典藏1944~1945年臺灣舊航照資料
The exact location is represented by the grey area in the following Google Maps.
在較大的地圖上查看高雄水上飛機場 Takao Seaplane Base
《Formosa Interim Report》把美軍的目標都加以編號,高雄水上飛機場並沒有任何編號,意味它並非美軍眼中的目標。美軍在1944年6月的另一份情報分析《Airfields and Seaplane Bases in Formosa》指出這座場站的棚廠長420呎、寬120呎,有一塊長300呎、寬30呎的停機坪和兩座滑溜台。重要的是,這份報告研判高雄水上飛機場可能已經不常使用(inactive)。下面的照片是胡蜂號航艦在1944年10月12日上午的攻擊行動結束後,於中午時分另派飛機拍攝的,這座航站看來完好無缺,可見未受攻擊:
Formosa Interim Report numbered all the targets identified but Takao Seaplane Base was not numbered, implying it was not a target. In another intelligence report titled Airfields and Seaplane Bases in Formosa, this base was described as having a 420’x120′ hangar, a 30’x300′ apron, and two slipways. This report also pointed out that the base appeared inactive, which may explain why it was not a target. The following photo was taken around noon by aircraft from USS Wasp on October 12. The station appeared intact.
Source:UC Berkeley via Academia Sinica 美國加州大學柏克萊分校典藏1944~1945年臺灣舊航照資料
The US Army photoed the base again on June 18, 1945. The base in the next photo only had minor damages: two holes on the roof and chipped apron.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
When this area was photoed again in 1959, all the facilities were gone.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」