Source: NARA via
1945年1月,美國海軍第38特遣艦隊對台灣發動第二波大規模空襲,除了西部的目標,東岸的花蓮港、蘇澳、宜蘭這次也被列入轟炸的對象。1月21日上午,美軍航空母艦考本斯號(USS Cowpens, CVL-25)上的F6F戰鬥機對宜蘭地區發動攻擊,主要目標是宜蘭飛行場。其中一架專門負責照相的戰鬥機拍下了以上的照片,不過照片裡因為爆炸而冒出濃煙的並不是日軍的軍事設施,而是現在稱為蘭陽女中的蘭陽高等女學校。可能是因為學校就位在連接宜蘭南、北飛行場的滑行道旁,讓美軍以為是軍用房舍才遭到誤炸。
In January 1945, Task Force 38 of the US Navy launched the second wave of massive air campaign against Formosa. Karenko (Hualien), Suo (Suao), and Giran (Ilan) on the east coast were among the cities under attack. On the early morning of January 21, F6F fighters launched from USS Cowpens (CVL-25) hit Giran. Their primary target was Giran Airdrome. In the above photo, taken during the mission, a building was hit. However, the building was not military but Ranyo Girl’s Higher School (currently National Lan-Yang Girls’ Senior High School). The fighter pilots mostly likely mistook it for a military building because it was located next to a taxiway connecting Giran North and South airdromes.
In the following reconnaissance photo taken on May 17, 1945, it can be seen the roof near the center of the school building was badly damaged.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
下圖是Google Earth上,蘭陽女中及鄰近地區的衛星照片。原來飛機使用的滑行道變成了馬路,而被炸的老校舍已經被拆除。
The taxiway has become a busy road and the bombed building was long gone:
Source: Google Earth