Source: Third Phase P.I. Report, April 1944. AFHRA via Academia Sinica 美國空軍歷史研究部(AFHRA)徵集成果
The above two reconnaissance photos of Taihoku (Taipei) were taken in March 1944 by the US military. Those marked “A/A” were anti-aircraft batteries, while those marked “S/L” were search light sites. It is clear that Taihoku was heavily defended (mainly against American aircraft) at the time.
I managed to locate some photos of these anti-aircraft sites. They are shown below with the site number indicated.
A/A #17
A/A #23
A/A #26
A/A #39
A/A #42
A/A #72
A/A #77
A/A #86
A/A #112
另外我也根據詳細的空照圖在現代的衛星照片上找到這些砲台的位置,標示在Google Maps上。我建議點擊衛星地圖下方的連結,除了顯示的地圖較大,同時也會標示出砲台的號碼。
Based on detailed reconnaissance photos, I located most of these anti-aircraft sites on Google Maps below. It is suggested that you click on the link below the satellite image to view a larger version with the numbers of sites shown.
View 日治時期台北地區防空砲台 AA Batteries in Taipei Area during WWII in a larger map
An excellent reference on Japanese anti-aircraft installations is Photo Interpreter’s Guide to Japanese Military Installations Part II, which can be found on the All World Wars site.
Hi, :
It’s Sarah again. I am the one asking you about 空軍三重一村防砲陣地。 Recently, I came across a map of 防空智識圖(Outline of Anti-air strike standard procedure) by 東京警備司令部 陸軍航空本部 in the year of 1933。 I wonder you might know about this map ? It is interesting to study the map you have done ( anti-aircraft batteries in and around Taipei ) and the map by Japanese goverment together.
Thanks for the pointer. I never heard of this map until you mentioned it. Then I found it on 國家文化資料庫 website. But I think it is less interesting to me because it lacks the details that I want to see.
我在以上的照片裡沒找到M/G,所以您可能是指其他文件裡的文字。M/G有可能是Machine Gun的縮寫。Light A/A是指輕型防空武器。