以下文件內容取自美國海軍列克星敦號航艦(USS Lexington, CV-16,福爾摩沙之役期間是第38特遣艦隊指揮官的旗艦)的戰報,文字指出美國海軍在1944年10月12日到14日對台灣發動的攻擊行動,目的是支援美軍反攻菲律賓雷伊泰(Leyte)的行動計畫。接下來列出了第38特遣艦隊在福爾摩沙之役時的組織,由於船艦數量甚多,所以就不再一一翻譯,各艦艇型式縮寫的說明是:
The following document is taken from the report by USS Lexington (CV-16). Keys to the vessel types are:
- BB:戰艦 Battleship
- CA:重型巡洋艦 Heavy Cruiser
- CL:輕型巡洋艦 Light Cruiser
- CL(AA):防空輕型巡洋艦 Light Cruiser (Anti-Aircraft)
- CV:重型航空母艦 (Fleet Carrier)
- CVL:輕型航空母艦 (Light Fleet Carrier)
- DD:驅逐艦 (Destroyer)
The ship with three F’s (USS New Jersey) was the flagship of the 3rd Fleet, while the one with two F’s (USS Lexington) was the flagship of Task Force 38. Those with only one F were the flagships of the respective Task Groups.