Source: AFHRA via Academia Sinica 美國空軍歷史研究部(AFHRA)徵集成果
The annotated photo above was made from the reconnaissance photo taken on November 24, 1943, just one day before the US Army Air Force launched its first strike against Shinchiku (currently Hsinchu) Airdrome, with the information from other intelligence reports.
美國海軍第38特遣艦隊在1944年10月12日對台灣的重要目標發動全面作戰的第一天,就曾攻擊新竹飛行場,但是我找不到當天拍攝的照片。下面這張照片,是無畏號航艦(USS Intrepid, CV-11)第18魚雷攻擊中隊(VT-18)的飛機在13日所攝,最上圖提到的棚廠區(Hangars)和營舍區(Barracks)都冒出了濃煙。
Shinchiku Airdrome had been attacked on the first day of Battle of Formosa (October 12, 1944). But I have not been able to find any strike photo of Shinchiku taken on that day. The following photo was shot on the 13rd by aircraft of VT-18 from USS Intrepid (CV-11) in which hangars and barracks in the top photo were attacked.
Source: NARA via
以下照片則是由碉堡山號航艦(USS Bunker Hill, CV-17)起飛的飛機在同一天所拍攝,冒煙的區域是最上圖裡的維修棚廠區(Repair Hangars與Shops)。
The photo below was taken by aircraft from USS Bunker Hill (CV-17), showing smoke rising from Repair Hangars and Shops corresponding to the top photo.
Source: NARA via
Note in the photo above that the repair hangars and shops had been eliminated. Although Shinchiku had been hit in November 1943, the following reconnaissance dated March 1944 shows that these repair hangars and shops appeared to have survived that attack. So they must have been destroyed in the October 1944 strike.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
The same area as in the above photo during the October 13 attack (from a different angle):
Source: NARA via
Shinchiku aidrome on the same day, looking southeast.
Source: NARA via
Aircraft of VB-18 from USS Intrepid took the next photo on the 14th, in which buildings between the hangars and barracks of Shinchiku airdrome (right arrow) and a railroad roadhouse near Shinchiku train station (left arrow) had been hit.
Source: NARA via
The following is the operational summary by the US Navy for the Shinchiku area during the Battle of Formosa:
- October 12: 於地面擊毀一架型號不明的飛機(有照片佐證)。One unidentified aircraft destroyed on ground (confirmed by photos).
- October 13: 擊毀4座棚廠、8座大型廠房、兩座營舍,擊傷兩座大型廠房(有照片佐證)。4 hangars, 8 large shops, and 2 large barracks destroyed, and 2 large shops damaged (all confirmed by photos).
- October 14: 於地面擊毀一架Ki-44鍾馗戰鬥機、擊傷5架雙引擎飛機。擊毀一座棚廠、擊傷營舍與飛機組裝廠最東側的大型建築。另在新竹地區擊傷6至7座工業廠房、一座疑似氧氣工廠、兩座燃料廠建築、變電所的建築與變電器。One Ki-44 Tojo destroyed and 5 two-engine aircraft damaged on ground. One hangar destroyed. Barracks and large building easternmost buildings of aircraft assembly plant damaged. 6-7 large industrial buildings, possible oxygen plant, 2 buildings of fuel plant, buildings and transformers of transformer station in Shichiku damaged.
目前已有的新竹飛行場空照攝於1943年11月, 但影像品質不理想, 瓦斯研究所可能可以看到, 但自設發電所大概很難判別.