Source: Third Phase P.I. Report, April 1944. AFHRA via Academia Sinica 美國空軍歷史研究部(AFHRA)徵集成果
上圖是美國陸軍航空隊在1944年3月6日拍攝的嘉義飛行場偵察照片。美國海軍第38特遣艦隊在同年10月攻擊台灣時,嘉義飛行場也是首要目標之一。以下一系列低空拍攝的照片是從蘭利號航艦(USS Langley, CVL-27)起飛的TBM魚雷轟炸機在12日當天拍攝的,照片中被轟炸的區域位於飛行場的東南方,也就是上圖中標示為18 – Hangers(棚廠)和4 – Barracks & Adm. Area(營舍與行政區)的區域。
The above reconnaissance photo of Kagi (currently Chiayi) Airdrome was taken on March 6, 1944. The airfield was also among the targets of U.S. Navy’s Task Force 38 during the battle of Formosa from October 12 to 14 of 1944. The following series of low-altitude strike photos were taken by TBM Avengers of VT-44 from USS Langley (CVL-27) on October 12. The area being bombed was in the southeast corner of the airfield, corresponding to 18 – Hangers and 4 – Barracks & Adm. Area in the top photo.
Source: NARA via
The photo below was taken at the southern end of the runway.
Source: NARA via
In the following photo taken after WWII, I marked the areas covered by photos A to D above.
Source: NARA via Academia Sinica 中央研究院臺灣文史資源海外徵集與國際合作計畫「美國國家檔案館典藏臺灣舊航空照片」
The same area as of today:
標示為Control Tower的那一棟,看起來好像位置向營區方向移動過,不知是炸毀重建或是旁邊的機棚改建,大小規模不同了,看不太出來,可惜轟炸照片B剛好都是煙霧,看不出來那棟建物的形狀.