Source: NARA via
The 40th Bombardment Group on TDY to A-1 in Hsinching, China, did not participate in the October 16, 1944, raid against Taiwan as the Group was exclusively ordered to carry out a maximum effort strike against the airfield and repair depot at Einansho (now Tainan) Airdrome. The secondary target was shipping and harbor installations in Takao (now Kaohsiung).
第40轟炸大隊一共有32架B-29轟炸機準備參加這次任務,不過其中兩架無法順利起飛,所以總共有30架B-29升空。成功起飛的飛機之中,包括以下照片中這架紀念波音公司B-29試飛員Eddie Allen的B-29(序號42-24579)。
Thirty-two B-29 heavy bombers of the 40th Group were to undertake this mission. But two aircraft had to abort during take-off. In the end, a total of thirty B-29 were airborne, including the one in the following photo, 42-24579 “Eddie Allen” (named after the B-29 test pilot at Boeing, who was killed in the second B-29).
Source: NARA via
Of the 30 B-29 airborne, only ten bombed the primary target Einansho Airdrome, dropping a total of 174 general-purpose bombs and 50 incendiary bombs. Another 13 B-29 attacked the secondary target Takao Harbor and dropped 281 GP bombs and 121 incendiary bombs. I have not found any photo showing the raid against Einansho Airdrome during this mission. Only the next two photos showing bombs bursting in Takao Harbor were found:
Source: NARA via
Source: NARA via
Source: Google Earth
30架成功起飛的B-29中,一架無法飛到台灣,因此改炸廈門的目標。另外有6架因為機械故障被迫中止任務,其中4架順利飛返A-1,一架改降A-3,但另一架不幸墜毀。而在參與轟炸的24架B-29之中,22架安全返回A-1,一架改降柳州,另一架轉降遂川。One B-29 bombed a tertiary target in Amoy, China. The rest of six aircraft were forced to abort due to mechanical problems. Four of the six returned safely to A-1, one to A-3, and one crashed southwest of A-1. Of the 24 B-29 bombing assigned targets, 22 returned to A-1, one landed at Luichow, China, and the other at Suichwan, China.
Source: NARA via
Source: NARA via