Here are selected U-2 imagery of Chinese military bases.
Google Earth users may want to download the associated kmz file to see what these bases look like now. Please save the file on your PC or copy its URL ( Then use Google Earth to open the file or URL. Double-click on the yellow pin and Google Earth will fly you to the location with the same orientation as the U-2 image.
Kuei Sui (歸綏; now 呼和浩特) airfield. Hsichun Mike Hua, GRC 156, 1963/6/12.
Wu Hu (蕪湖) airfield. Hsichun Mike Hua, GRC 156, 1963/6/12.
Lin Fen (臨汾) airfield. Hsichun Mike Hua, GRC 156, 1963/6/12.
Hailar (海拉爾) airfield. Terry Lee, GRC 169, 1963/8/23.
Yen Tai (煙台) airfield. Terry Lee, GRC 169, 1963/8/23.
Kai Feng (開封) airfield. Robin Yeh, GRC 178, 1963/9/26.