我在去年曾經寫到我國在1972年把48架F-5A暫時還給美國,再由美國移交給越南(請見F-5A/B Freedom Fighter (Part 1))。最近我在美國國務院的Foreign Relations of the United States又找到了一些相關文件,其中一份可以說是整件事的起頭(本文所引用文件中之黑體字皆為筆者所加):
Washington, October 20, 1972, 0045Z.
192357. Subject: Enhance Plus. Strictly Eyes Only Ambassador.
1. You should immediately approach highest available level GRC which we assume to be Prime Minister, and in the name of the President seek his immediate agreement for the transfer to USG, which will immediately transfer to GVN, all F–5A’s in possession of ROCAF. As GRC is aware, USG is now engaged in all-out effort to achieve settlement in VN consistent with the principles that have previously been announced by the President. It is too early to say whether this effort can or will be successful. However, in event it is successful, we want to place GVN in strongest possible military position prior to coming into effect of any agreement. As part of this effort we desire immediately to deliver to GVN maximum possible number of F–5 aircraft (which is type of aircraft for which VNAF is trained and equipped). In order to achieve this we are asking ROC and some other countries which hold F–5A’s for this major contribution to achievement of peace and strengthening of GVN military capabilities. We recognize unprecedented nature of this request which is done only for reasons of unparallelled importance.
2. We will, of course, credit GRC with value of aircraft and will be prepared promptly and on extraordinary basis to work out method of replacements, including possibility of F–5E co-production scheme. In meanwhile, we will, if GRC desires, be prepared to discuss deployment of US F–4’s and US pilots to Taiwan to fill gap this creates GRC defense.
3. We very much need reply during course of Saturday, October 21, Washington time.
4. Request you stress importance of tightest security on this matter, at least up to time of delivery of aircraft.
FYI. In event subject comes up or you feel it would be useful, you may inform Prime Minister that US is prepared to make transfer to GRC of two ASW configured diesel submarines and the 60 M–48 tanks which we have had under review. Also it may be necessary to request help of some GRC pilots to deliver aircraft. End FYI.5. Taipei also repeat response to Saigon.
這份電報不但有Top Secret的機密等級,還特別註明Strictly Eyes Only Ambassador,可見這件事非常敏感,電文的第四段也強調在飛機移交之前要特別保密。當時的美國駐華大使是馬康衛(Walter P. McConaughy),他在21日回覆國務院的電報中報告他已經在當天早上見到了行政院長蔣經國,而基本上蔣的態度是正面的(”His [Chiang’s] reaction was essentially favorable with certain qualifications based on questions which could not be fully answered at the first meeting.”)。
At the request of the United States government in November 1972, a number of fighter planes of the Republic of China were loaned to the United States to meet its emergency needs. In accordance with the agreement between the governments of both sides, the United States Air Force stationed F-4 aircraft on Taiwan to fill the gap in the air defense of Taiwan. As the borrowed fighter airplanes are now being replaced, the United States F-4 aircraft, according to agreement, will be successively withdrawn from Taiwan in due time.
注意這份聲明完全沒有提到借給美國的飛機機型與數量。美國駐台大使館在1974年6月15日發給國務院的第3783號電報(Subject: F-4 Withdrawal: Public Announcement And Questions/Answers)中指出,這是因為我國對於揭露這方面的資訊特別敏感:
GROC is sensitive about public release of numbers and types of aircraft involved in this operation. Premier understands that DOD ANC CINCPAC spokesman will likely be queried on specific types of aircraft being paid back to the ROC (i.e., F-5A’S, F-5E’s), and that it would be difficult for them to avoid responding. however, he hopes that as little as possible will be said on subject.
Washington, May 18 – American combat aircraft will begin leaving Taiwan this summer or fall in another step designed to improve Washington-Peking relations and remove the vestiges of the Vietnam war.
…The aircraft — two squadrons of American F-4 Phantoms — were rushed to Taiwan shortly before the signing of the Vietnam cease-fire agreement in early 1973 in return for Taiwan’s giving South Vietnam 48 F-5A fighters…
…But other officials expressed the view that Mr. Kissinger was eager for the early withdrawal of the Phantoms as a signal to Peking that Washington was interested in continued improvement in relations. Mr. Kissinger is said to be interested in doing what he can to strengthen the hands of those in Peking who feel the same way. The removal of American Phantoms from Taiwan would give that group something tangible to point to when arguing with those who feel that Peking hs gone too far too fast with Washington…
Dr. Kissinger: I have one other thing I wanted to inform you of, which concerns Taiwan. As the result of a number of developments we have borrowed from the Taiwanese some airplanes that we have given them, F–5A’s. And while we are borrowing these planes we have put two American squadrons of F–4’s on Taiwan. These are only temporary, and they will be removed as soon as we can replace the airplanes that we have borrowed. I again wanted to inform your government that all the understandings that we have with respect to Taiwan will be rigorously carried out as soon as the war in Vietnam is concluded.
There are 36 airplanes. But we will be removing within the next few weeks other American planes put there. We will give you the details. We will let you know. They have to do with the war in Indochina and will be removed in the next few weeks. They are related to the war in Indochina, and they will be removed regardless of the peace negotiations. We will let you have a list of those planes.
If my memory serves, those two F-4D squadrons were 44th and 67th Tactical Fighter Squadrons based temporarily in CCK.