由楊世駒先生在1962年9月8日執行的GRC 126大概是所有黑貓中隊的任務最具爭議性的一次,原因之一是因為飛機上的裝備故障讓他提前返航,陳懷在第二天接續他的任務時被飛彈擊落。中國共產黨也因為擊落U-2而對GRC 126的規劃和執行大放厥詞。
Mission GRC 126, flown by Gimo Yang, was one of the most controversial missions flown by the 35th SQ, not the least because its abort necessitated Chen Huai to redo the mission, leading to his death. To boast about their “achievement”, the Chinese Communists then concocted a story about how they fooled the CIA and ROCAF in planning GRC 126.
之前我針對有關這次任務的傳說做了兩次討論(1, 2),這次我利用去年才學會的Google Earth疊圖功能畫出中情局提供的飛行路線,希望能夠消除一些爭議。下圖中的紅線是GRC 126的部分飛行路線,白色圈圈橘色字體標出的是任務前提供給飛行員參考的目標城市。可以發現楊世駒在通過連城後就轉向直飛台灣,所以北方的幾個目標都沒有涵蓋到。
The red curve in the figure below represents the partial track of GRC 126, while white circles with orange Chinese characters are major targets briefed to Yang. It is clear that Yang failed to cover several targets in the north, due to AC generator failure, and flew straight to Taiwan after covering Lien Cheng.
有興趣的朋友可以下載Google Earth用的kmz檔,除了上圖中的路線和城市,還包括中情局解密的航線圖。
You may want to download the kmz for Google Earth, which includes a World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) with overlaid mission track, as well as the target cities and flight track in the above image.
Flickr now has a half dozen photos in the Commons of ROC aircraft from the 1960s – 1980s
Michael: Thanks for the pointer. I also found several WWII aerial reconnaissance photos of China.