上下兩張照片都是現在花蓮光復鄉境內上大和(南)飛行場的空照圖(美軍稱為Taiharo – 大巴塱),雖然拍攝日期只差了兩個月,很明顯下圖的飛行場中央多了一條跑道。
The US military referred to the airdrome in the photos as Taiharo Airdrome while the Japanese called Kamiyamato South. Though the second photo was taken only two months after the first, the differences are obvious: a paved runway had been built during the time.
Several revetments were built along the railway next to Kamiyamato sugar refinery. Others were scattered on the riverbed. Three following revetments were located to the east of the middle of the airdrome.
The 1945 Taiwan Area Airdrome Plans included a very crude map of Kamiyamato South.
Great job-
I have a friend that lives on the road going east and west around the middle of the runway. The first house to the south going east. They have lived there only 20 year and did not know about this airport. They did however say they had heard about an old Jappanese airport 4.5 Kilometers to the south near the minimum security prison.
Take care,
I am in the US for the summer.
If there was a Kamiyamato South Airdrome was there a Kamiyamato or a Kamiyamato North Airdrome?
Gene: Yes, there was indeed a Kamiyamato North. But the Americans called Hyashida Airdrome. I did not know it was the same as Kamiyamato North at the time when I wrote that entry.