從上面這張屏東縣內埔鄉的衛星照片,你可以看出日據時代曾經在這裡建了一座飛行場嗎? Can you tell that there used to be an airfield before the end of WWII from this Google Earth image of Neipu Township in Pingtung County?
下面這張1945年的美軍空照圖雖然不是非常清楚,但還是可以看到一條跑道,這就是「台灣日陸海軍機場一覽表」裡的犁頭鏢,在美軍的空照圖上則是註明為Naiho Vic. A/D,意思是內埔附近的機場。仔細看的話,這條跑道的右下方還有呈倒ㄇ字型的「道路」。跟現在的衛星照片比對,這倒ㄇ字型的「道路」比現有的道路還寬,所以我認為是疏散飛機到離跑道較遠地方停放的滑行道。另外,從跑道左邊端點還延伸出一條L型的道路,這應該是專門連結機場和外面村落而興建或擴建的聯絡道路。In the following 1945 reconnaissance photo of the same location, a runway can be seen. It was referred to as “Naiho Vic. A/D” by intelligence analysts. A U-shaped “road” is also visible in the photo. Since it was much wider than the current road at the same location, I suspect it was a taxiway leading to dispersal area for aircraft. There was an L-shaped road connecting the left end of the runway to a village nearby.
從這篇開始,除了提供Google Earth專用的kmz檔之外,我也會提供Google Maps的連結,讓沒有Google Earth的朋友也可以探索平面圖。不過Google Maps固定是南北走向的顯示,所以不容易跟上面的空照圖作直接比對。