當我第一次看到這張被美軍標示為Kokko Airdrome的空照圖時,我立即的聯想是湖口中興台上的那條跑道(因為Kokko是湖口的日文發音)。只是不論我在Google Earth上順時針或逆時針轉動湖口地區的衛星照片,都找不到相同的地貌。最後靠著另一張Kokko Airdrome空照圖上的鐵路,找到了這座飛行場的確實地點,不在湖口,而是在現今的新豐鄉裡。由於新豐的舊稱是紅毛鄉,所以這應該就是「台灣日陸海軍機場一覽表」裡的紅毛機場。
The airfield in the WWII aerial photo below was designated “Kokko Airdrome” by American photo interpreters. At first I thought it was the airfield at the current location of the base of ROC Army 542nd Armored Brigade in Hukou Township (because Kokko is the Japanese pronunciation of Hukou). But I was not able to find any corresponding landmarks in the Google Earth satellite image of the Hukou area. Finally the railroad found in another Kokko Airdrome photo led me to its exact location, which was not Hukuo but Hsinfong Township.
這座飛行場的設施相當完整,所以幅員廣闊。照片左邊有一大片區域被剷平,我猜原先這塊區域只有一條比較窄的跑道,後來才延伸擴充出去的。下圖呈現的是我繪製的平面圖套疊在Google Earth上,下載kmz檔請按此。白色三角形是露天機堡,利用特別加寬、鋪過的滑行道與主跑道相連。用紅、黃色標示的是一些我不確定用途的軍事設施,這些設施都位在鋪設過的聯絡道路兩側。最東邊還有一塊類似軍營的區域,用土黃色的區塊顯示。
It can be seen that expansion was underway or had just been completed at the time on the west side. I think that area was extended from an existing narrower runway. The image below depicts the Kokko Airdrome plan on Google Earth. The kmz file can be downloaded here. The white triangles represent dispersed revetments for aircraft. They were connected to the runway via paved, widened taxiways. There were also numerous military installations, whose functions are unknown to me, connected by paved service roads. They are represented by the red and yellow symbols. Finally, there was a suspected barracks area on the east end, which corresponds to the tan area on the Google image.
今日閒來再翻翻看看,此機場美軍標示為KOKO A/D,此地以前叫後湖庄,後湖日文可以拼成(後KO-) (湖KO).