中央研究院海外歷史圖資與典藏 (Via Academia Sinica)
The above annotated photo was taken on November 22, 1943, and was later used in the intelligence analysis Formosa Interim Report, February 1944. The airfield in the photo, Toyohara, was in fact referred to by the Japanese military as Taichu. The oblique photo below, taken on March 1, 1944, has better quality.
中央研究院海外歷史圖資與典藏 (Via Academia Sinica)
1944年10月15日,由B-29轟炸機改裝的美國陸軍航空隊第468轟炸大隊偵察機拍下了下面這張傾斜空照,在台中飛行場(Toyohara A/F)的西方多了一座附屬機場(Satellite A/F)。美軍分析人員判讀這座建造中的機場有一條東北-西南走向的跑道,長3800英呎,寬200英呎,還有長約6000英呎的滑行道,並可透過另外一條滑行道與台中飛行場相連。
On October 15, 1944, the 468th Bombardment Group of the US Army Air Force took the following photo of the same area. A “satellite airfield” had been built to the west of Toyohara Airfield. An intelligence report, dated February 15, 1945, described the satellite airfield as having a NE-SW 200′ x 3800′ runway, a 6000′ taxiway east of runway, and another taxiway connecting it with Toyohara Airfield. The airfield was described as under construction at the time.
By the time when the next photo was taken (July 5, 1945), the satellite airfield (pointed by the arrow) most likely had been completed.
中央研究院海外歷史圖資與典藏 (Via Academia Sinica)
照片放大後可以看到跑道兩頭供飛機迴轉的turning circle可由滑行道連接:
The enlarged photo below shows that the airfield had two turning circles on either end of the runway and a taxiway connected the two turning circles and the middle of the runway.
中央研究院海外歷史圖資與典藏 (Via Academia Sinica)
After WWII, Toyohara Airfield (officially Taichu Airdrome) was taken over by the ROC Air Force and became Kung Kuan Air Base. Wit the aid from the US military, the base was greatly expanded and enhanced. In the following 1959 photo, covering the same area as that in the above photo, the old satellite airfield had all but disappeared.
中央研究院海外歷史圖資與典藏 (Via Academia Sinica)
公館基地後來改稱清泉崗,而原來台中飛行場西跑道的位置現在變成的台中航空站的用地,政府應該在此立碑(或牌)說明。以下是我在Google Maps上繪出的台中飛行場西跑道:
Kung Kuan Air Base was later renamed Ching Chuan Kang (CCK). The location of the old satellite airfield is currently used by Taichung Airport, as can be seen in the following overlay on Google Maps:
在較大的地圖上查看台中飛行場西跑道 Toyohara Satellite Airfield
請問第三張照片中 GOSEI A/F是什麼?
以下是那個被美軍標示為Gosei A/F (Probable)的區域在1943年11月22日的空照(箭頭所指處):
中央研究院海外歷史圖資與典藏 (Via Academia Sinica)
現在有Google Earth,所以量一下就知道比日軍當時的飛行場都小得多,是飛行場的機率很低: